If you haven't heard of a
turducken, it's a chicken stuffed inside of a duck stuffed inside of a turkey. I've never tasted it, but it sounds like a scrumptious journey into the deliciousness of poultry. In this day in age, people are simply not satisfied with only one kind of meat. Which is why I would like to present some variations on the turducken.
Osphecorn – More poultry. A Cornish game hen stuffed inside of a pheasant stuffed inside of an ostrich.
Beelapork - A pig (pork) stuffed inside of a lamb stuffed inside of a cow (beef).
Buffvigoat – A goat stuffed inside of a deer (venison) stuffed inside of a buffalo. For those who prefer a gamier flavor.
Lobcrallop – Seafood style. A scallop stuffed inside of a crab stuffed inside of a lobster.
Eggporter - Just so you don't think I forgot the vegetarians. A veggie burger stuffed inside of a portabello mushroom stuffed inside of an eggplant.
Sninkie-Q – A dessert delicacy. A
Suzy-Q stuffed inside of a
Twinkie stuffed inside of a
Sno Ball.
Fradpole – A tadpole stuffed inside of a frog. Also tog. I realize this only involves two elements, but I think it's cool that they're both of the same species during different stages of the lifecycle.
Chefs of the world, I hope you're paying attention.